Thursday, September 11, 2008

Quick & Effective Health and Weight Loss Tips

Good health is linked to a good diet. There's an endless advice available to you about the best foods and weight loss systems around, but sometimes it's hard to know what to do for the best.

Nowadays everyone should know better about nutrition and healthy food more than before, especially after diseases caused by some unhealthy style we live through.
Our bodies health should be a priority and we need to remind ourselves all the time about this subject.

- First of all, everybody knows that a significant fraction of the human body is water, that means drinking is very important to lose weight..
Drinking before meals and during the day is much better, to reduce feeling hungry and to prevent dehydration, also the kidneys will function better, and easily extract all the waste.. Besides it would clean other parts of the body like throat, bowels, colon, etc..

- Fat reducing would help since fat is the main culprit causing extra weight, and to prevent the most serious diseases like cholesterol, triglyceride, heart failure, liver disease, etc,...

- Body needs whole grains and rice that are consumed slowly with its fiber, it would fit the stomach and prevent hunger.

- Additional necessary healthy food are vegetables containing all colors, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, celery, onion, garlic,... and protein like fish, salmon, chicken and little red meat..

- Try taking five portions of a variety of fruits also, like: apple, peach,...They all are better than ice cream that contains fat. Having a piece of cucumber 5 minutes before lunch or having a piece of fruit is healthier than taking them just after meals, that would also help loosing weight.

- Try out not to eat anything before going to bed at night, it's much better to eat at least 3 hours before sleeping.

- Eat only if you are hungry.

- Drink a cup of chamomile tea half an hour before the main lunch.

- Start the main meal with a light vegetable soup or salad.

- It's so important to do some exercise especially walking, swimming,...

- Remembering to apply all the advices about health and how to keep the body in a healthful shape from inside to outside is important, but we always have to preserve it by having all kinds of nutritious food which would give the body all the vitamins and essential minerals, at the same time would help loosing weight with easy and healthy ways to keep it as a lifestyle.

1 comment:

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